72% around the world in 2023 | Google Maps Timeline

Just got done with a call and casually started browsing my emails. Only to see what?
My “Google Maps Timeline” for 2023 is here. 🙌
Google Maps Timeline is a personal map that helps you remember routes and trips you’ve taken and places you’ve been based on your Location History.

This is probably the most I have travelled in any year, till date. 2023 was certainly the year of travel and exploration for me. I feel blessed to have sojourned in the southern hemisphere during their fall, and go as far north as Cape Reinga and as underground as the Waitomo caves. Running a half-marathon in Auckland over the Harbour Bridge, getting blown away by the harsh winds of Paihia, counting all the islands I could on the cruise along the Bay of Islands, and the list will not end.
If Google is honest (which by all data and location sharing standards, I am sure it is :p I actually did travel 72% around the world. While most of it was the flight-time, nevertheless — that just makes me tune in again to Around the World by Daft Punk.
No kidding, I listened to this song on repeat during my entire travel.
May be in some other article, I will share all my experiences from the southern hemisphere. For now, here are some few highlights of my Google Maps timeline of 2023, overall.