My First Git Repository

As much as I remember, at least for this account, this was officially my first Git repo. I created it three years back, with an abrupt motivation to serve the development community with whatever I had learnt of Python in the past. And hence the name — “python-mania”.
As conspicuous, as it could get. Haha!
Sometimes, even I wonder out of abashing too 😆
Most of the commits on the repo, have been three years old. Only when I was casually navigating through the repositories a few weeks back, I double-clicked on this one and felt the urge to contribute a bit more, and hence moved a few codes from Google Colab to Git.
For some reason, I am unable to find the programs that I had solved on Hackerrank and uploaded / commited them on Github too.
While you may not find codes pertaining to the latest trends in technology, but whatever old / gold you do, please see if it can be of any use.
Keep pythoning!
Thank you :)