OCR using Pytesseract

You are browsing the internet looking for ready made code to help you in your programming projects. You come across a wonderful article which has the right code sample for you. But there’s a problem! It is an image and you can’t copy the code and simply paste it in your Jupyter notebooks or any Python editors.
I know the struggle is real!

But then have you heard of Tesseract OCR?
It is an Optical Character / Content Recognition engine. It just makes your life so simple.
I will use Pytesseract here to elaborate the example. Pytesseract is an OCR tool for Python. To make it interesting, I will try to use three different kind of images with different readability. It will be great to see how effective is the extraction of content from complex images VS the simpler ones.
But before we start, something very important :-

- Checking OCR on a High Readability — Lox Complexity Image
Input Image

Output (Extracted Text)

2. Checking OCR on a Average Readability — Medium Complexity Image
Input Image

Output (Extracted Text)

3. Checking OCR on a Low Readability — High Complexity Image
Input Image

Output (Extracted Text)