The 3 Magical Asanas

There is a thing about Yoga — “There is a lot you can do but you need to find the most suitable asanas, for your body type.”
As you can already identify, that I have mentioned three asanas here :-
- त्रिकोणासन (Trikonasana)
- नवासन (Navasana)
- बालासन (Balasana)
However, before I talk about the benefits of each of these and the reasons why I have called these 3 asanas as the most magical ones, let me give you a brief background of mine and why I gained a lot of interest in Yoga which is by now a very popular and widely accepted physical, mental, and spiritual practice / discipline across the globe.
Coming into adolescence, I had observed that I don’t have a very strong digestive system. While I was luckily not suffering from other trivial and also chronic ailments which my friends and family complained of, from time to time; however bad digestion was something I felt could take a huge toll in the long run.
I did not however know what much to do about it and just spent the years, not too attentive about it. There were stomach pains and cramps from time to time and my parents used to get me some medicine for it and it used to provide a momentary relief (well, . I will tell you something about myself : I don’t like medicines much 😣
I have always believed that the human body has the capacity and the potetntial to heal and recover from any ailment on its own, provided you give it ample time and also a sustainable environment for healing. Yes, of course one has to ensure that he/she hasn’t led the disease to a chronic stage, where then it becomes imperative to seek medical expertise and reach out to surgeons / doctors.
Cut to 2020, when the entire world was struggling and apparently surviving through a catastrophic pandemic — Covid-19; there were many of us who got a chance to understand and observe their body more closely and in depth. The anatomy and functioning of the human body is often misunderstood and till date hasn’t been mastered honestly.
The human body in itself is actually so complex and vast, for one to claim that he/she has fully understood it. Forget, understanding the world outside.
So, like I said that Covid-19 gave us an ample amount of time to understand the human body more in depth, I researched a lot around the fact that why did yogis live long and stayed illness-free. And there again specifically, concentrating on the digestive system.
In my research, I found these three asanas — अर्ध चंद्रासन (Ardha Chandrasana), नवासन (Navasana) & बालासन (Balasana) as the most magical and efficient asanas in maintaining a good digestive balance in the human body and also improving the health of the human body overall.
Let’s understand each in details :-
- त्रिकोणासन (Trikonasana)

Trikonasana or Utthita Trikonasana, [Extended] Triangle Pose is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise. It is a foundational standing pose in yoga that has long been popular in the yogis, for strengthening and lengthening the hamstrings and groin while also opening the shoulders and stretching the hips. Although, it has been majorly accepted as the asana to recover from hamstring and groin pains, however, people have also talked about its benefits in healing stomach disorders and improving digestive health.
Trikonasana boosts metabolism and in turn aids digestion. The movement that is done in trikonasana is really beneficial for kidney health. It also parallelly tones the abdomen muscles, aiding in reducing the fat around the tummy area and also thighs. It significantly helps one’s body in reducing heart burns, gastritis and flatulence.
2. नवासन (Navasana)

Navasana, Naukasana, Boat Pose, or Paripurna Navasana is a seated asana in modern yoga as exercise. It significantly improves digestion, balance and stimulates your kidneys, thyroid, prostate glands and intestines. This prima-facie difficult looking asana actually brings a strong alignment between your body and mind. When you are doing this asana, it builds your focus to a great extent. To an extent that you will feel like your abdomen area is getting gently massaged and all your stomach issues are slowly and gradually being fixed.
Like I said, it looks prima-facie a high balance maintenance asana and it truly is. It requires a lot of core strength and balancing on your hip isn’t easy of course. But once you have mastered it, there is no going back and you will see the magic it does to your overall body and specially the abdominal health.
PS : Do get the balance and position right. It is very important to do this asana right, else more than the magic it will produce, it could backfire on your spinal health.
3. बालासन (Balasana)
Bālāsana or Child Pose, is a kneeling asana in modern yoga as exercise. Balasana is a counter asana for various asanas and is usually practiced before and after Sirsasana.
This asana actually compresses the digestive organs which further helps stimulate digestion. It really boosts your digestive fire. Ideally, you should avoid eating junk food or any consumable that can interfere with your gut or overall health; however we are humans and are programmed to err.
Let’s say you have a demanding job and you have to travel a lot. Eating outside is inevitable, now girls and boys, that is where I suggest bring this asana into your routine. Believe you me, it will alleviate your stomach issues and reduce your frequent complaints significantly.

I will take a leave now.
Time for my asanas. Drop a comment if you have any questions. Godspeed :)