What does it take to design a door-mat using Python?
Mr. Vincent works in a door mat manufacturing company. One day, he designed a new door mat with the following specifications:
- Mat size must be X. ( is an odd natural number, and is times .)
- The design should have ‘WELCOME’ written in the center.
- The design pattern should only use
Sample Designs
Size: 7 x 21
Size: 11 x 33
Input Format
A single line containing the space separated values of and .
Output Format
Output the design pattern.
Sample Input
9 27
Sample Output
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Let’s dive into the code for it!
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
N, M= map(int,input().split())
assert ((5 < N < 101) and (15 < M < 303) and M == 3*N), “N should be greather than 5 and less than 101. M should be greater than 15 and less than 303.”
c1, strn = ‘-’, “.|.”
wel = “WELCOME”
n = N//2
count1 = 1
dec1 = 1
count2 = int((M-6)/3)
#Upper half
for i in range(1, n+1):
print((c1*int((M-(3*dec1))/2) + (strn*count1) + (c1*int((M-(3*dec1))/2))))
count1 += 2
dec1 += 2
#Middle Line
print((c1*int((M-7)/2)) + wel + (c1*int((M-7)/2)))
#Lower half
for i in range(1, n+1):
print((c1*int(i*3)) + (strn*count2) + (c1*int(3*i)))
count2 -= 2